7 Sept 2009


All of what is around me is real, I can hear noises, see colorfull
lights and I can feel. When my eyes are closed, and there is no way
for the light to touch my eyes, I still can see. No limitation to my
dreams, I can do anything, fly, jump, turn stuff into other stuff,
transfar in time to my school days and anything, but it depends on my
body health condition, for example, I can only see pain in the form of
anything when my stomach fails to digest the supper fat, and see only
food when I sleep hungry. Sometimes I am not sleep anymore, I have
just waken up but unable to do any controlable movement, I can not
speak or move a hand or a leg, my eyes still almost closed except for
a little line enabling some light in, I can't open them, I can hear
and understand people talking around me, they think I am still sleep.
Anyone wake me up please,someone rais me from under this heavy
blanket, but I can't talk, the only thing I can do is to control my
breathing action, I can make it faster than normal. I try to speak and
succeed just to make a voice as the air goes out, (( when I'm alone
and there is noone beside my bed I don't make any sound I just breath
calmly ))they noticed me. "He is dreaming" they say "a nightmare or is
he suffering from pain, he is ill." " I am not dreaming, I'm just
trying to talk to you, I want you to help me get up, I want you to
shake me, rais me, open the windows for frush air, do something," I
tried to say to my little brother siting beside my bed one day, but
only a bad voice of a suffering patient was coming out of my throught.
That day my uncle was also there but a bit far from my bed, he heard
me and he knew what I was going through. He told my brother to shake
me up and that I was suffering from Razum a condition that makes it's
victim unable to move. My brother took his hand, put it softly on my
cheek and with an even softer movement he shook my head while calling
on me "Abdu, wake up," in a low voice. He respect me, he is not to
shake me harder or rais his voice on me because I am his older
brother. "I am going to kill you my little brother when I'm able to
move" I decided, "my uncle told you to shake me up not to flirt with
me." Living near Sana'a three thousand meters above see level, I
think my body needs more oaksigyen to be able to move. I always
succeed to get over this situation by breathing faster. Razum is a
word which means something or someone who gives or makes alot of
pressure downward using it's heavy weight. Old people hear in Yemen
say Razum comes at might to someone who eats gat everyday (gat is a
tree it's leaves used widely in Yemen) and stopped eating it for one
day, but mine is a deferent story, it comes to me when I sleep more
than I need, I wake up the first time active but there is nothing to
do so I go back to sleep, after an hour I wake up very tiered again I
go back to sleep, the third time I wake up unable even to say a word
or move any tiny part of my body. But actualy gat is the main reason,
it burns the body enrage in a short time and prevent one from eating
enough, it's not just the shortage of oaksigyen drives me into this, I
also smoke heavily and eat (gat). Gat is not an addictable or as
dangerous as cigarete, but we don't know how to use it, how much and
when and how often.

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