9 Oct 2011

The future of Yemen is promising.

The political crisis in Yemen in the last nine months has taught
Yemeni citisenes how to practice democracy more than they have learnt
in the last two decades.
Twenty years of practicing democracy since the reunification of Yemen
in 1990 and the people still didn't know that changing a party that
they support does not mean converting into a new religen. Twenty years
and still they didn't know that the parlemant member represent the
nation and not a local governaror. Still they didn't know that they
are responsible for fighting corruption not the president or his
government. Still they didn't know that the media especialy the
opposition media does not always bring the truth. But now they know
alot. They know where to stand and how to do, they know who is right
and who is wrong. They know that they are what is all this about. They
know when to change and how. They know that everything under their
control and they have to do it by themselves.

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30 Sept 2011

Welcom home Mr President

President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh is back home.
What are the protesters still doing in the University Cross Road. Do
not they understand that Ali still has the legitimacy to rul Yemen
till we elect another president?

20 Jun 2011

Spontaneous protesters asking president Saleh to step down

For the first time to happen in Yemen, date is friday night the
eleventh of Marsh 2011 at about 22:00 local time, tens of spontaneous
protesters marched into Al-Tahreer square in Sana'a the capital,
chanting the same slogens that had been chanted the earlier days in
Tunisia and Egypt, which ended for the Tunisian president Bin-Ali to
step down from power and leave the country, and ended for the Egyptian
president Mobaruk also to step down and go to his house in

That night, the small crowd in Al-Tahreer square was scattered softly
and peacefuly by the security forces in hours. That was just the
biggingng. Next day, similler marches accompanied by policemen started
from the university-cross-road, marching across the populler streets
heading towardes Al-Tahreer square. I accompanied one of those
marches. And before they reached Al-Tahreer square, ignoring
security-men's recommendation not to continue marching to the square
to avoid the possiblaty of crawling with the other side supporting the
president, I saw in the entrence street leading to the square a small
crowd fleeing back and being chased by supporters of the president
using stones and clubs. I stepped aside to the pavement, picked my
mobile phone and took a short video, pitifully I didn't notice that
the mic was on mute, that made my video silent. I continued walking to
the square and it was occupieded by anti-opposition parties
protesters, and those who don't want the president to leave power in
this reveloutionary way. The opposition protesters reached Al-Tahreer
square just to find themselves face to face with the angry president
Ali Abdullah Saleh's supporters.

Today those protesters grow in number with the help of some of
opposition parties. On Fridays they reaches tens of thousands in the
mager cities in Yemen blocking streets with their tents and making
misery of other peoples life and they have only one demand. "Saleh go
out now. "
On the other side hundreds of thousands demonstrate against those,
asking Saleh to hold on power till his presidency period ends in 2013.

This epidemic affecting the arab world is not going to make the Yemeni
regime better than its now but worse, because on head of the leaders
of those protesters is the terrorist Islamic party Al-Eslah, which is
the cause of all mass happening in Yemen sense it appeared in 1990.
Currently we have democracy and freedom, yes its true that our
democracy is not as perfect as the westerns but we still have the
freedom, complete political freedom, anyone can talk politic, vote,
write and say anything about anything. The problem in Yemen is not in
the regime itself, it's in some people's understanding of how to
practice democracy.
Five months passed now. The president has been attacked but still
alive, strong and ready to face the Islamic terrorist for us. We
appritieate his sacrificition.