About fourteen hundred years ago Abraha Al Habashi, a man from the horn of Africa, and his army was ruling Yemen. He made Sanaa city the capital of his kingdom. He wanted pilgrims to come to Sanaa instead of Maka, so he built a house in Sanaa like the one which prophet Abraham had built in Maka. But that was not enough to to convince people to do their pilgrim in Sanaa, he then decided to destroy Al-Kaba (the house of God that Abraham built in Maka), he prepared a big army with an elephant or more and went on with the intention of attacking Maka and destroying Al-Kaba. When Abd Almodalib (the leader of Maka) heard the news of the army coming he decided not to resist and asked the attackers not to kill his people for they are not going to resist or fight with attackers and will clear the way for them by moving to the nearby mountains around Maka. The attackers agreed, they said that they have nothing to do with Maka people and that they are just coming to destroy Al-Kaba.
When the people of Maka asked Abd Almodalib why he did this and cleared the way for the attackers he said that he can not fight this big army that will kill all his men and that the safety of Maka people is his responsiblity, as for the God's house Al-kaba he said that it's God's and God is the one to protect the house of God. That army of Abraha was destroyed near Maka. God sent an army from the air, birds which called Ababeel filled the sky throwing stones at the army, the stones called Sijeel as they mentioned in Quran. 
Just birds will do the job at this time.

Just birds will do the job at this time.
About twenty years later Al-kaba was destroyed by flood and rebuilt and Mohemmed, before he knew that he was the chosen one to be the last massager of God, was the the chosen one to put an end to the dispute between tribes and families about who to reput the black stone back in its place, and he made them all participate in this honor.
God protected the house and then God destroyed it a short while later. After that God made it a direction to be faced when praying and a place to be visited once in a life time if possible.