27 Dec 2010
12 Dec 2010
3 Apr 2010
This must be a dream.
The time when I am awake is the time when I am one hundred per cent sure that I am not dreaming and all of what is happening around me is real. Surely everyone would have the same feeling as I do unless one has some mental problems of some kind I am not sure about them, I have never had the expirience of losing my mind one day. But what about dreams. What about the time when I am sleeping and dreaming. Do I have to be at that time one hundred per cent sure that I am dreaming? Now what kind of a dream it would be if I was sure of the fact that it is just a dream, how could the joy, panic or sorrow fill into my heart and affect me when I know that there is no reason for all of that. If things would go like this I think dreams would be meaningless, like imaginations, now can you imagin that you have got your wishs, just imagin that your greatest wish has come true and you are now as you always wanted to be and tell me how do you feel after you have got what what you wanted in your imagination. Surely it would make no changes on your current feeling if not waking up some old memories. A sleeping dream is unlike imagination even when it's not logic one feel and believe that he or she living it. But why I couldn't fly the plane, it's mine and it's there standing in a good condition, do not I have the right to enjoy flying my plane, I feel very happy that I have got a plane but every time it turns intoa car or a bicycle or something else before I could manage to take off, even in my dream I couldn't do it. My father died four years ago but he is still alive talking to me and living with me in my dreams,every now and then I dream of him I find so many reasons to make me believe that he is alive and not dead. but when it comes to the plane I couldn't complete the dream, maybe there is no way to make me believe my night dream of a plane except to try to fly a real plane, and when there is no chance for me to get a plane and do it here in Yemen, maybe I could get a job in some farm in Australia and do it there. This is just a simple example of a thing which I am not able to dream of. There is also another example, the dirty road which leads to my country house, it's only 2500 metres from the main road but only four wheel drive cars can go there. My dream for this road is to have a hard surface for small cars. This nightmare comes to me often and I see the road has a black color. I know it's a dream because this must be a dream, I could never ever believe this, no way I must be dreaming, and all I can do is to try to wake up because I know that something strange is happening, I wake up for the first time and look and there is the road still black this means that I have to give it another try, and every time I don't fail to wake up at last from this dream, I have never believed it. Four years ago a company started working in that road but for some reasons it stopped. And there the road still as it was decades ago. I wish I would be able to drive in it at night. One must live with his father to be able to dream of him. One must do it to able to dream that he is doing it.
17 Mar 2010
The house
About fourteen hundred years ago Abraha Al Habashi, a man from the horn of Africa, and his army was ruling Yemen. He made Sanaa city the capital of his kingdom. He wanted pilgrims to come to Sanaa instead of Maka, so he built a house in Sanaa like the one which prophet Abraham had built in Maka. But that was not enough to to convince people to do their pilgrim in Sanaa, he then decided to destroy Al-Kaba (the house of God that Abraham built in Maka), he prepared a big army with an elephant or more and went on with the intention of attacking Maka and destroying Al-Kaba. When Abd Almodalib (the leader of Maka) heard the news of the army coming he decided not to resist and asked the attackers not to kill his people for they are not going to resist or fight with attackers and will clear the way for them by moving to the nearby mountains around Maka. The attackers agreed, they said that they have nothing to do with Maka people and that they are just coming to destroy Al-Kaba.
When the people of Maka asked Abd Almodalib why he did this and cleared the way for the attackers he said that he can not fight this big army that will kill all his men and that the safety of Maka people is his responsiblity, as for the God's house Al-kaba he said that it's God's and God is the one to protect the house of God. That army of Abraha was destroyed near Maka. God sent an army from the air, birds which called Ababeel filled the sky throwing stones at the army, the stones called Sijeel as they mentioned in Quran. 
Just birds will do the job at this time.

Just birds will do the job at this time.
About twenty years later Al-kaba was destroyed by flood and rebuilt and Mohemmed, before he knew that he was the chosen one to be the last massager of God, was the the chosen one to put an end to the dispute between tribes and families about who to reput the black stone back in its place, and he made them all participate in this honor.
God protected the house and then God destroyed it a short while later. After that God made it a direction to be faced when praying and a place to be visited once in a life time if possible.
5 Mar 2010
3 Mar 2010
This is what I did when I was five
It's our tradition to receive the month of fasting Ramadan with fire. As kids we used to collect old clothes, shoes, cars wheels and anything that can be burn and make them ready to be burnt after sunset of the last day of Shabban. One night, when I was five it was the time to make the fire. I, my older sister and my two older brothers went outside after sunset, and over a rock beside our house we stopped and waited for the darkness of the night to come, as it was getting darker my oldest brother started the fire. It was an enjoyable moment looking to the fire and what made more enjoyable what my brother was doing with the fire, with a long stick in his hands the began to rais some of the clothes that were burning in a pile high into the air by the end of that stick. Those some cloths which he raised were made of nylon and there was drops of fire coming down from the end of the stick making that sound as if they are small rockets or something like that. My sister and other brother were standing in a higher place of the rock watching the fire and I was in a lower place, they were not far from me just about two metres and between us were those drops of fire falling, they stop falling from time to time for a short while. I wanted to go to the other side, I could take the short cut and join my brother and sister while there were no drops falling. I made my decision and went on crossing without telling anyone, but in the meddle of the way I saw flashes I stopped and made a sharp cry and quickly put both my hands on my face, I felt like I was washing my face with light. This time it was my face burning, a few drops of fire made their way down onto the my forehead over my right eye. This was a usual accident nothing new in it and could happen to anyone. What is unusual is what happened next. Our joy turned into sorrow, my brothers were afraid for me but more afraid from mum and what she could do to them for what happened to me. I had made a sharp cry as I saw the light, and that was it, and mum did not hear anything, my brothers started to talk to me in our way home, they begged me not to tell mum and managed to give me a hat to cover the wound, I agreed but that was not enough, I should go to bed as soon as I get home. They left my sister beside my bed and I slept while she was still seating there. Next day I woke up still wearing the hat the same way over the wound. My mum looked at me and told me to wear the hat properly, but I kept the hat in the same way and kept myself away from my mum. During that morning I played as usual, up and down the stairs every time Mum meets me she kept commenting on the way I was wearing the hat, she told me I am crazy, the hat was covering one eye. later that day, nothing could be hidden any more, my right eye started swelling, I was caught, she took me and removed the hat easily which was stuck to the wound while tears went down from her eyes. I was wrong for not telling her what happened, that is what she told me, but of cours my brothers were also wrong. I caused that pain to myself by accident, but incidently I caused more pain to her. The mark of that wound still with me, and every time I look at it I remember the person who gives me all the love and deserves all my love before all.
27 Feb 2010
The call of duty
When duty calls, go, go and fight for your land, your people and your
princibles. This is how it should be, running away from this duty is
not going to make your life longer or keep you away from death, death
which you are running from is going to meet you wherever. Fight for
your life and do not run for your life.
princibles. This is how it should be, running away from this duty is
not going to make your life longer or keep you away from death, death
which you are running from is going to meet you wherever. Fight for
your life and do not run for your life.
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