9 Mar 2009

This life

When reading this, you must finish it to the last line, other wise you will misunderstand it and get it all wrong, and get nothing out of it. So please read it to the last word or just leave it there as it is and don't read a word. Thank you for your understanding.

Those who lived before us, those who had passed away, they don’t come back, they just died and we all pass and die and don't return, some of the dead were rich and lived comfortably, some were poor and lived a miserable life. Now they are all together in death. Happiness as well as misery doesn't last for ever, everything finishes as if nothing had happened, all the dead are helpless and harmless like soil, and they are really soil.
All of us know that we are going to die and finish this life, believers of the second life and none believers, we all know that our days here are countable and are going to pass, we know what happiness is and what sadness is in this life and that both happiness and sadness are not sustainable or mortal feelings, they are forgettable feelings.
The method or belief or fact that this life of ours is not a mortal life and is going to end sooner or later one day for ever and don’t come back again makes it not worth living, whether we lived for a hundred years or a billion years and whether it was a happy life or a miserable life its not worth living. Its going to finish anyway as nothing had happened, so why do we bother ourselves and live this life? Why don’t we finish it now, as nothing had happened, as if we lived a million years and died after that. It’s the same in this way.
Surely every human being has asked himself these questions. Who am I? what am I doing here? Where I have come from? Why I am the only I here? And why I am here?
From time to time these questions rose in our minds but we don’t bother ourselves to much to find a clear answer to these questions. Some people are doing their best to find answers to these questions, but such questions are not just the task of some to try to find an answer to them. It’s the task of everyone, everyone must do his best and find his own answer, specially the question, why am I here? It's important to find an answer to this question by oneself, so that one would know why and act accordingly.
If we are here for no reason but to live and then die for ever and for the last time in our existence and don’t come back, so why don’t we end it now? Why don’t we end our life at this moment? And not to worry about anyone we love, they are going to die and they will be good. Or why don’t we finish all our beloved with us so that we end our journey together at the same time and be OK at the same time. It's going to be the same now or then. Some people do this, they kill themselves, but they do this out of pain and despair, don’t they know that life with pain and without is the same. So why are they doing this just when they are desperate, why don’t they do it in their happier days? So they are doing this hoping of another better life, they transfer themselves early to the next life. They might not know why they live the first life but they know that this life is like nothing,

Now we come to the fact that there is no one thinks that this is our only life, every one hopes of another life. Every one can not imagine that he is not going to be born again. Everyone is afraid of not believing of the other life. But not everyone knows that this life is not a real life, not everyone knows that this life is not a life to be enjoyed. Enjoyment is just something to help us go on. We are not here to live, we are here to work. Everyone must think of what to do not how to live, there is a reason for the existence of everyone, there is a job for every existence thing, and it's important for the human to know his job and does it in the best possible way as other things do.

3 Mar 2009

Learning a new language

When learning a new language one must first think in the native language, and how learning and mastering it are so easy without making a lot of effort, and could the same method of learning the first language be follow to learn the new language. The original language is learned in special circumstances and can not be repeated again in the advanced stages of life. We know for sure that the circumstances of learning the mother tongue can not be repeated, therefore, we must create conditions that would be similar to those conditions as much as possible.

The first thing to be done is listening to the new language even though its not understandable, as we know that children listen to a lot of talk around them and interact with it, so it's important that we step up listening to talk in the new language from any source, whether from the street or the radio or television or tapes to learn the language. The second thing is to try simulation of what has been heard and this is by repeating the words that had been heard by the same manner and at the repetition of words must also reflect on the meanings of those words whenever circumstances permit,

(To be continued)