5 Dec 2009
15 Oct 2009
Some photos
West of the historical town Kawkaban, here we can see some wonderful sights of the remains of the main old road down the mountain of Kawkaban which leads to Al-Ahjor valley my home land. It's said that this road used to be busy with travelers not long time ago. ِ
28 Sept 2009
We need some clear air
7 Sept 2009
All of what is around me is real, I can hear noises, see colorfull
lights and I can feel. When my eyes are closed, and there is no way
for the light to touch my eyes, I still can see. No limitation to my
dreams, I can do anything, fly, jump, turn stuff into other stuff,
transfar in time to my school days and anything, but it depends on my
body health condition, for example, I can only see pain in the form of
anything when my stomach fails to digest the supper fat, and see only
food when I sleep hungry. Sometimes I am not sleep anymore, I have
just waken up but unable to do any controlable movement, I can not
speak or move a hand or a leg, my eyes still almost closed except for
a little line enabling some light in, I can't open them, I can hear
and understand people talking around me, they think I am still sleep.
Anyone wake me up please,someone rais me from under this heavy
blanket, but I can't talk, the only thing I can do is to control my
breathing action, I can make it faster than normal. I try to speak and
succeed just to make a voice as the air goes out, (( when I'm alone
and there is noone beside my bed I don't make any sound I just breath
calmly ))they noticed me. "He is dreaming" they say "a nightmare or is
he suffering from pain, he is ill." " I am not dreaming, I'm just
trying to talk to you, I want you to help me get up, I want you to
shake me, rais me, open the windows for frush air, do something," I
tried to say to my little brother siting beside my bed one day, but
only a bad voice of a suffering patient was coming out of my throught.
That day my uncle was also there but a bit far from my bed, he heard
me and he knew what I was going through. He told my brother to shake
me up and that I was suffering from Razum a condition that makes it's
victim unable to move. My brother took his hand, put it softly on my
cheek and with an even softer movement he shook my head while calling
on me "Abdu, wake up," in a low voice. He respect me, he is not to
shake me harder or rais his voice on me because I am his older
brother. "I am going to kill you my little brother when I'm able to
move" I decided, "my uncle told you to shake me up not to flirt with
me." Living near Sana'a three thousand meters above see level, I
think my body needs more oaksigyen to be able to move. I always
succeed to get over this situation by breathing faster. Razum is a
word which means something or someone who gives or makes alot of
pressure downward using it's heavy weight. Old people hear in Yemen
say Razum comes at might to someone who eats gat everyday (gat is a
tree it's leaves used widely in Yemen) and stopped eating it for one
day, but mine is a deferent story, it comes to me when I sleep more
than I need, I wake up the first time active but there is nothing to
do so I go back to sleep, after an hour I wake up very tiered again I
go back to sleep, the third time I wake up unable even to say a word
or move any tiny part of my body. But actualy gat is the main reason,
it burns the body enrage in a short time and prevent one from eating
enough, it's not just the shortage of oaksigyen drives me into this, I
also smoke heavily and eat (gat). Gat is not an addictable or as
dangerous as cigarete, but we don't know how to use it, how much and
when and how often.
lights and I can feel. When my eyes are closed, and there is no way
for the light to touch my eyes, I still can see. No limitation to my
dreams, I can do anything, fly, jump, turn stuff into other stuff,
transfar in time to my school days and anything, but it depends on my
body health condition, for example, I can only see pain in the form of
anything when my stomach fails to digest the supper fat, and see only
food when I sleep hungry. Sometimes I am not sleep anymore, I have
just waken up but unable to do any controlable movement, I can not
speak or move a hand or a leg, my eyes still almost closed except for
a little line enabling some light in, I can't open them, I can hear
and understand people talking around me, they think I am still sleep.
Anyone wake me up please,someone rais me from under this heavy
blanket, but I can't talk, the only thing I can do is to control my
breathing action, I can make it faster than normal. I try to speak and
succeed just to make a voice as the air goes out, (( when I'm alone
and there is noone beside my bed I don't make any sound I just breath
calmly ))they noticed me. "He is dreaming" they say "a nightmare or is
he suffering from pain, he is ill." " I am not dreaming, I'm just
trying to talk to you, I want you to help me get up, I want you to
shake me, rais me, open the windows for frush air, do something," I
tried to say to my little brother siting beside my bed one day, but
only a bad voice of a suffering patient was coming out of my throught.
That day my uncle was also there but a bit far from my bed, he heard
me and he knew what I was going through. He told my brother to shake
me up and that I was suffering from Razum a condition that makes it's
victim unable to move. My brother took his hand, put it softly on my
cheek and with an even softer movement he shook my head while calling
on me "Abdu, wake up," in a low voice. He respect me, he is not to
shake me harder or rais his voice on me because I am his older
brother. "I am going to kill you my little brother when I'm able to
move" I decided, "my uncle told you to shake me up not to flirt with
me." Living near Sana'a three thousand meters above see level, I
think my body needs more oaksigyen to be able to move. I always
succeed to get over this situation by breathing faster. Razum is a
word which means something or someone who gives or makes alot of
pressure downward using it's heavy weight. Old people hear in Yemen
say Razum comes at might to someone who eats gat everyday (gat is a
tree it's leaves used widely in Yemen) and stopped eating it for one
day, but mine is a deferent story, it comes to me when I sleep more
than I need, I wake up the first time active but there is nothing to
do so I go back to sleep, after an hour I wake up very tiered again I
go back to sleep, the third time I wake up unable even to say a word
or move any tiny part of my body. But actualy gat is the main reason,
it burns the body enrage in a short time and prevent one from eating
enough, it's not just the shortage of oaksigyen drives me into this, I
also smoke heavily and eat (gat). Gat is not an addictable or as
dangerous as cigarete, but we don't know how to use it, how much and
when and how often.
26 Aug 2009
Some Muslims
Still think that Osama Bin Ladden is a hero. Hear in Yemen its hard to
pursued some young men that Osama is just a criminall, from his cave
he calls for his supporters to commit more crimes against innscints
just because they are Americans or British or none Muslims. Is he God
judging people? God is not absent, God is there. What Osama Bin Ladden
is doing? He is leading a criminal organization, like Mafia. I am
Muslim and read Quran, I see Muslims, they don't do what God told them
to do. For example the Quran told us to kill our enemies wherever we
find Them and not to flee the battle ground till the war end. We don't
do this, we flee in battle as of what happened in Iraq and Afganstan
and we come back in peace time to chase unarmed men, women and
children in trains, planes, hotels and elsewhere to kill them. The
Quran told us not to lie or cheat, we do this more than anyone else.
It also told us to help weak and poor people and to fear no one but
God and to tell the truth no matter what happened, we fear each other
and our unjust leaders and we don't say the truth. We are good in
praying for God and asking God to defeat our enemies and currs
America and Israel. But God do not answer, God knows we are not right.
God says ask me and I will answer. God says I will give victory to
whoever gave me victory. Did we give God victory?
pursued some young men that Osama is just a criminall, from his cave
he calls for his supporters to commit more crimes against innscints
just because they are Americans or British or none Muslims. Is he God
judging people? God is not absent, God is there. What Osama Bin Ladden
is doing? He is leading a criminal organization, like Mafia. I am
Muslim and read Quran, I see Muslims, they don't do what God told them
to do. For example the Quran told us to kill our enemies wherever we
find Them and not to flee the battle ground till the war end. We don't
do this, we flee in battle as of what happened in Iraq and Afganstan
and we come back in peace time to chase unarmed men, women and
children in trains, planes, hotels and elsewhere to kill them. The
Quran told us not to lie or cheat, we do this more than anyone else.
It also told us to help weak and poor people and to fear no one but
God and to tell the truth no matter what happened, we fear each other
and our unjust leaders and we don't say the truth. We are good in
praying for God and asking God to defeat our enemies and currs
America and Israel. But God do not answer, God knows we are not right.
God says ask me and I will answer. God says I will give victory to
whoever gave me victory. Did we give God victory?
23 Aug 2009
Who is responsible
Of pluting the air? Are they the G8, the G20, the oil produces, the
developed world or the least developing and poor countries?
The weather. Some poor countries in Africa and elsewhere are suffering
from drought, because of the weather changes. All of us, the humans
including other creatures and plants are sharing three things, air,
water and light. What the industriellized or whatever they call them
and oil producer countries do is that they ruin the water of all the
air of all. Is not the air belongs to us all or is it just theirs? It
is not theirs. They use oil to move from one place to another,
everyone needs to burn ten liter of oil everyday. Can not they share
cars or think of the destance between home and work before getting the
job? Some might say there are cars in the poor countries. Yes there
are but how many cars are there and how many people depend on them,
cars in the poor countries are much pluting and old, maybe yes, but
one of those pluting cars instead of one person it can carry seven
inside, three in the back, two above and maybe sometimes one extra
person under a wheel, twelve to thirteen is the capacity of one old
maybe pluting car, one car is worth twelve cars.
They help the poor countries with food aid and medicin and guns too,
we do not need your help, just leave us alone, don't take what we
have, don't take our clean air, rich of life sea water and healthy
sunlight. What are you doing? Making this world a better world, for
who? Well some people in the poor countries have never made a phone
call, some do not know much about electricity and some needs to know
what happened to their rainy reason. Guns have reached everywhere,
other than that have not.
Oil producers olso accused of massing with others belongings. They are
part of the problem,they don't pay taxes for the money they collect
out of digging for oil. Talking about the gulf states is a different
story, they act as if they are part of the modern world, they look
busy in their streets, what do they do?, they are rich, too rich,
nothing importent has come out of those countries, no good just oil,
no research in medicin or in modern technology, they have no universal
universities.they can not even make puza or bread, they pay someone to
do it, they have locked their minds with a heavy black iron lock,
those who can do nothing to make this world a better one, who can only
spend the oil money for fun,those should pay more taxes for the oil
Aren't you rich going to deal with your mass? Aren.t you going to
stop? Aren't you going to compensate your victims? Or give them back
what you took.
developed world or the least developing and poor countries?
The weather. Some poor countries in Africa and elsewhere are suffering
from drought, because of the weather changes. All of us, the humans
including other creatures and plants are sharing three things, air,
water and light. What the industriellized or whatever they call them
and oil producer countries do is that they ruin the water of all the
air of all. Is not the air belongs to us all or is it just theirs? It
is not theirs. They use oil to move from one place to another,
everyone needs to burn ten liter of oil everyday. Can not they share
cars or think of the destance between home and work before getting the
job? Some might say there are cars in the poor countries. Yes there
are but how many cars are there and how many people depend on them,
cars in the poor countries are much pluting and old, maybe yes, but
one of those pluting cars instead of one person it can carry seven
inside, three in the back, two above and maybe sometimes one extra
person under a wheel, twelve to thirteen is the capacity of one old
maybe pluting car, one car is worth twelve cars.
They help the poor countries with food aid and medicin and guns too,
we do not need your help, just leave us alone, don't take what we
have, don't take our clean air, rich of life sea water and healthy
sunlight. What are you doing? Making this world a better world, for
who? Well some people in the poor countries have never made a phone
call, some do not know much about electricity and some needs to know
what happened to their rainy reason. Guns have reached everywhere,
other than that have not.
Oil producers olso accused of massing with others belongings. They are
part of the problem,they don't pay taxes for the money they collect
out of digging for oil. Talking about the gulf states is a different
story, they act as if they are part of the modern world, they look
busy in their streets, what do they do?, they are rich, too rich,
nothing importent has come out of those countries, no good just oil,
no research in medicin or in modern technology, they have no universal
universities.they can not even make puza or bread, they pay someone to
do it, they have locked their minds with a heavy black iron lock,
those who can do nothing to make this world a better one, who can only
spend the oil money for fun,those should pay more taxes for the oil
Aren't you rich going to deal with your mass? Aren.t you going to
stop? Aren't you going to compensate your victims? Or give them back
what you took.
17 Aug 2009
Sleep time
6 to 8 hours a day is what we need To stay fit and active. Can not we stay awake during the day, which part of our body needs to sleep, cant we just relax to regain our strength, why the heart does not stop working, why it does not need to rest ones a day or even a year. We don't know.
25 Jun 2009
Yemen press

Some papers have been band from publishing, one of those newspapers is Alayam (الأيام) the daily independent one. The papers were accused of violating the law and the Constitution, and also accused of working against public security and the dissemination of hatred and division concepts and inciting against Yemeni unity.
Opposition newspapers here in Yemen do not have a job to do except criticizing the government and accusing it of dereliction of everything. Nothing is correct, they say. The government's papers in its turn say something deferent "nothing wrong, " they say "only a little". Who to believe? The ruling party in Yemen bad and the head opposition parties are worst. Its better to keep the bad than to replace it with the worst till we find something good.
Opposition newspapers here in Yemen do not have a job to do except criticizing the government and accusing it of dereliction of everything. Nothing is correct, they say. The government's papers in its turn say something deferent "nothing wrong, " they say "only a little". Who to believe? The ruling party in Yemen bad and the head opposition parties are worst. Its better to keep the bad than to replace it with the worst till we find something good.
9 Mar 2009
This life
When reading this, you must finish it to the last line, other wise you will misunderstand it and get it all wrong, and get nothing out of it. So please read it to the last word or just leave it there as it is and don't read a word. Thank you for your understanding.
Those who lived before us, those who had passed away, they don’t come back, they just died and we all pass and die and don't return, some of the dead were rich and lived comfortably, some were poor and lived a miserable life. Now they are all together in death. Happiness as well as misery doesn't last for ever, everything finishes as if nothing had happened, all the dead are helpless and harmless like soil, and they are really soil.
All of us know that we are going to die and finish this life, believers of the second life and none believers, we all know that our days here are countable and are going to pass, we know what happiness is and what sadness is in this life and that both happiness and sadness are not sustainable or mortal feelings, they are forgettable feelings.
The method or belief or fact that this life of ours is not a mortal life and is going to end sooner or later one day for ever and don’t come back again makes it not worth living, whether we lived for a hundred years or a billion years and whether it was a happy life or a miserable life its not worth living. Its going to finish anyway as nothing had happened, so why do we bother ourselves and live this life? Why don’t we finish it now, as nothing had happened, as if we lived a million years and died after that. It’s the same in this way.
Surely every human being has asked himself these questions. Who am I? what am I doing here? Where I have come from? Why I am the only I here? And why I am here?
From time to time these questions rose in our minds but we don’t bother ourselves to much to find a clear answer to these questions. Some people are doing their best to find answers to these questions, but such questions are not just the task of some to try to find an answer to them. It’s the task of everyone, everyone must do his best and find his own answer, specially the question, why am I here? It's important to find an answer to this question by oneself, so that one would know why and act accordingly.
If we are here for no reason but to live and then die for ever and for the last time in our existence and don’t come back, so why don’t we end it now? Why don’t we end our life at this moment? And not to worry about anyone we love, they are going to die and they will be good. Or why don’t we finish all our beloved with us so that we end our journey together at the same time and be OK at the same time. It's going to be the same now or then. Some people do this, they kill themselves, but they do this out of pain and despair, don’t they know that life with pain and without is the same. So why are they doing this just when they are desperate, why don’t they do it in their happier days? So they are doing this hoping of another better life, they transfer themselves early to the next life. They might not know why they live the first life but they know that this life is like nothing,
Now we come to the fact that there is no one thinks that this is our only life, every one hopes of another life. Every one can not imagine that he is not going to be born again. Everyone is afraid of not believing of the other life. But not everyone knows that this life is not a real life, not everyone knows that this life is not a life to be enjoyed. Enjoyment is just something to help us go on. We are not here to live, we are here to work. Everyone must think of what to do not how to live, there is a reason for the existence of everyone, there is a job for every existence thing, and it's important for the human to know his job and does it in the best possible way as other things do.
Those who lived before us, those who had passed away, they don’t come back, they just died and we all pass and die and don't return, some of the dead were rich and lived comfortably, some were poor and lived a miserable life. Now they are all together in death. Happiness as well as misery doesn't last for ever, everything finishes as if nothing had happened, all the dead are helpless and harmless like soil, and they are really soil.
All of us know that we are going to die and finish this life, believers of the second life and none believers, we all know that our days here are countable and are going to pass, we know what happiness is and what sadness is in this life and that both happiness and sadness are not sustainable or mortal feelings, they are forgettable feelings.
The method or belief or fact that this life of ours is not a mortal life and is going to end sooner or later one day for ever and don’t come back again makes it not worth living, whether we lived for a hundred years or a billion years and whether it was a happy life or a miserable life its not worth living. Its going to finish anyway as nothing had happened, so why do we bother ourselves and live this life? Why don’t we finish it now, as nothing had happened, as if we lived a million years and died after that. It’s the same in this way.
Surely every human being has asked himself these questions. Who am I? what am I doing here? Where I have come from? Why I am the only I here? And why I am here?
From time to time these questions rose in our minds but we don’t bother ourselves to much to find a clear answer to these questions. Some people are doing their best to find answers to these questions, but such questions are not just the task of some to try to find an answer to them. It’s the task of everyone, everyone must do his best and find his own answer, specially the question, why am I here? It's important to find an answer to this question by oneself, so that one would know why and act accordingly.
If we are here for no reason but to live and then die for ever and for the last time in our existence and don’t come back, so why don’t we end it now? Why don’t we end our life at this moment? And not to worry about anyone we love, they are going to die and they will be good. Or why don’t we finish all our beloved with us so that we end our journey together at the same time and be OK at the same time. It's going to be the same now or then. Some people do this, they kill themselves, but they do this out of pain and despair, don’t they know that life with pain and without is the same. So why are they doing this just when they are desperate, why don’t they do it in their happier days? So they are doing this hoping of another better life, they transfer themselves early to the next life. They might not know why they live the first life but they know that this life is like nothing,
Now we come to the fact that there is no one thinks that this is our only life, every one hopes of another life. Every one can not imagine that he is not going to be born again. Everyone is afraid of not believing of the other life. But not everyone knows that this life is not a real life, not everyone knows that this life is not a life to be enjoyed. Enjoyment is just something to help us go on. We are not here to live, we are here to work. Everyone must think of what to do not how to live, there is a reason for the existence of everyone, there is a job for every existence thing, and it's important for the human to know his job and does it in the best possible way as other things do.
3 Mar 2009
Learning a new language
When learning a new language one must first think in the native language, and how learning and mastering it are so easy without making a lot of effort, and could the same method of learning the first language be follow to learn the new language. The original language is learned in special circumstances and can not be repeated again in the advanced stages of life. We know for sure that the circumstances of learning the mother tongue can not be repeated, therefore, we must create conditions that would be similar to those conditions as much as possible.
The first thing to be done is listening to the new language even though its not understandable, as we know that children listen to a lot of talk around them and interact with it, so it's important that we step up listening to talk in the new language from any source, whether from the street or the radio or television or tapes to learn the language. The second thing is to try simulation of what has been heard and this is by repeating the words that had been heard by the same manner and at the repetition of words must also reflect on the meanings of those words whenever circumstances permit,
(To be continued)
The first thing to be done is listening to the new language even though its not understandable, as we know that children listen to a lot of talk around them and interact with it, so it's important that we step up listening to talk in the new language from any source, whether from the street or the radio or television or tapes to learn the language. The second thing is to try simulation of what has been heard and this is by repeating the words that had been heard by the same manner and at the repetition of words must also reflect on the meanings of those words whenever circumstances permit,
(To be continued)
24 Feb 2009
The first language
Everyone has his or her main language; we call it sometimes the first language or the mother tongue. Some people grow up with two languages; one is the language of the society, the streets, the city or the country they live in, and the other of the parents. One of these two languages necessarily dominate the other or preferred to be used, in other words, those who grow up with two languages, whom we might call the multiculturalists, the multi linguistics, the multi-tongues or whatever they might be called, prefer to use one of the two languages, they prefer to use the language which they can control the most, the language which they think easier and more natural to them. This language is their first language and the other is the second. The two languages could not be a first language at the same time. It could be that one is the main at an earlier age and the other could take its place at an advanced age. For example; children under the age of five who live with their parents commonly use their mother language and above the age of five they use the country language. In any case it depends on the people and the community around and the time children spend with each side (the parents and the community). Spending more hours of the day with side one (the parents) makes the child pick up his or her parents language as a first language, and the opposite will happen when the child is spending most of his or her time with side two (the community). At an early age it's easier and faster for a child to change his or her language and to form a native and natural accent with the new language but it becomes a little harder between the ages of ten and fifteen. As for people above fifteen it's much harder to replace the main language and accent; the accent in particular is even harder if not impossible to be changed. It's possible for people over the age of fifteen to change their main language, take control of the new one and make it their first and most natural language; but the accent will remain affected by their old main language for a long time.
This is the way we learn our first language, from life. There is no specific time to sit beside the desk and learn as we usually do when learning anything. To learn a language, all the time is a time of learning; the more we listen, speak, read, write, think and speak in our minds, dream while sleeping and live the days the more we learn and control the language.
Learning any science, away from learning actions and movement skills, is just learning new nouns, verbs, adjectives, and etcetera. It's just learning a language. Learning a language is harder than learning anything else; it needs more time and more efforts. That is why it's hard to learn a new language and control it like the main. To control the new language like the first we need to learn everything we learnt while using our first language.
English is my second language; it will never be like my main Arabic language unless I spend another thirty years using it as I used Arabic before.
This is the way we learn our first language, from life. There is no specific time to sit beside the desk and learn as we usually do when learning anything. To learn a language, all the time is a time of learning; the more we listen, speak, read, write, think and speak in our minds, dream while sleeping and live the days the more we learn and control the language.
Learning any science, away from learning actions and movement skills, is just learning new nouns, verbs, adjectives, and etcetera. It's just learning a language. Learning a language is harder than learning anything else; it needs more time and more efforts. That is why it's hard to learn a new language and control it like the main. To control the new language like the first we need to learn everything we learnt while using our first language.
English is my second language; it will never be like my main Arabic language unless I spend another thirty years using it as I used Arabic before.
21 Feb 2009
Witches and Magicians.
What witches magicians and other wizards can do in political life. They can contact other creatures or what they say sometimes ghosts, they can do lots of mysteries things but they don’t evolve in political meetings for example election relations between countries etcetera. In the past they played greater roles in politics and in war and they helped rulers ruling their countries, what happened is that they forget most of the knowledge they used to have in the past, they don’t even know that dead human has no ghost, when they see any other creature that can not be seen or heard or felt by a normal human being they start calling it a ghost of someone who used to live there in the past a ghost of a human, as if human is the center of the universe. Actually its good news to know that knowledge of this science has been lost, but to come up with a new fake one this is the problem,
20 Feb 2009
More than one thing at a time.
U.S president Obama sank in the current economic crisis. When he was campaigning McCain told him to free himself and suspend his campaign in order to answer Bush's calling for the two candidates to join him in his dealing with the economic crisis, Obama said that he will not suspend his campaign and that he can do more than one thing at a time, now he seems not being able to do more than one thing at a time, he is laying all his heavy weight on just one issue, the economic crisis.
12 Feb 2009
Yemen vote 2009
19 years of democracy. What is deferent in Yemen Now?
The forth parliamentary election is going to be this year, after all those years of experience to bring real democracy. I would say that Yemen has made a great achievement in this field, but no one wants to admit this especially the west. They keep praising the Iraqi democracy because Iraq's democracy is theirs they brought to Iraq, now Iraq has a real democracy that is right, and Yemen has real democracy, yes and this is absolutely right, but how many lives Iraq's democracy cost and how many Yemen's democracy cost lives.
What they want? This is our democracy we call it Shora Entjab or democracy or whatever but its not as the west's. It's our democracy and we are proud of it, we don’t want the wests like what they brought to Iraq that one which costs so many lives. Yes Yemen democracy should not be like the west, it should be like Yemen's.
The forth parliamentary election is going to be this year, after all those years of experience to bring real democracy. I would say that Yemen has made a great achievement in this field, but no one wants to admit this especially the west. They keep praising the Iraqi democracy because Iraq's democracy is theirs they brought to Iraq, now Iraq has a real democracy that is right, and Yemen has real democracy, yes and this is absolutely right, but how many lives Iraq's democracy cost and how many Yemen's democracy cost lives.
What they want? This is our democracy we call it Shora Entjab or democracy or whatever but its not as the west's. It's our democracy and we are proud of it, we don’t want the wests like what they brought to Iraq that one which costs so many lives. Yes Yemen democracy should not be like the west, it should be like Yemen's.
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